Neighbor by Neighbor seeks to help people move out of poverty to greater independence by taking the steps necessary to get better paying jobs. The path to independence starts with education: a high school diploma or equivalent and giving referrals to job training and placement or college opportunities.  

Neighbor by Neighbor staff help people figure out what they want to do to get ahead, and then links them with places to get the skills to qualify. Staff and volunteers support people in GED classes, going to college, and referrals for assistance in enrolling in a training program, and getting and keeping a job.

  • Free GED Program (high school diploma equivalency)
  • Referral to Lake Michigan College which offers both traditional college courses and many training programs
  • Referral to job training and readiness


Get in Touch. Get Involved.

6444 Harbert Rd, Sawyer, MI 49125

Call Us: (269) 231-0648